søndag den 8. april 2012

Klimaks på en spøgelseshistorie

(tekst (in toto) af Shakespeare-forfalskeren I. A. Ireland fra 1919 opsamlet i antologien Black Water. The Book of Fantastic Literature, redigeret af Alberto Manguel, købt for 3 euro i bogkasse på den anden side af Tiberen for 2 timer siden, længe leve antologier og antologister)

'How EERIE!' said the girl, advancing cautiously. ' - And what a heavy door!' She touched it as she spoke and it suddenly swung to with a click.
  'Good Lord!' said the man, 'I don't believe there's a handle inside. Why, you've locked us both in!'
  'Not the both of us. Only one of us,' said the girl, and before his eyes she passed straight through the door, and vanished,

1 kommentar:

  1. 1919. Det var det aar at Aage Krüger slog sin hemmelige datter, Mary fra Skelhøje, ihjel med giftgas...
