fredag den 10. februar 2012

Slettede scener, 2011 og 1871

Jeg så i går en fantastisk, deleted scene på dvd-udgaven af den virkelig vellykkede komedie Bridesmaids med Paul Rudd som hovedpersonen Kristen Wiigs perfekte date, der pludselig hysser helt forfærdeligt ud - klart nok er (dobbelt)scenen for lang og digressiv og autonom til at kunne rummes i filmen, men desto skønnere er den at få foræret som overskud med sløjfe på:

Det er sjældent at blive begavet med slettede scener fra de bøger, man holder af, men der er lige præcis fra ugens klassikere den slettede, melankolske/ulykkelige slutning på Great Expectations, hvor Pip IKKE får Estella, som blev offentliggjort få år efter Dickens' død, og det slettede kapitel om "The Wasp in a Wig" fra Through the Looking Glass, der først blev fundet, i en tidlig korrektur, 100 år efter, bogen udkom, i 1977 (og slettet fordi Carrolls illustrator Tenniel virkelig ikke så sig i stand til at illustrere DEN urimelighed)), og hvor Alice møder en meget trist hveps med gul paryk:

"I'm very sorry for you," Alice said heartily: "And I think if your wig fitted a little better, they wouldn't tease you quite quite so much."
  "Your wig fits very well," the Wasp mumured, looking a her with an expression of admiration: "it's the shape of your head as does it. Your jaws ain't that well shaped, though -  - I think you couldn't bite well?"
  Alice began with a little scream of laughter, which she turned into a cough as well as she could. At last she managed to say gravely, "I can bite anything I want."
  "Not with a mouth as small as that," the Wasp persisted. "If you were a-fighting, now - could you get hold of the other one by the back of the neck?"
  "I'm afraid not," said Alice.
  "Well, that's because your jaws are too short," the Wasp went on: "but the top of your head is nice and round." He took of his own wig as he spoke, and stretched out one jaw towards Alice, as if he wished to do the same for her, but she kept out of reach, and would not take the hint. So he went on with his criticisms.
  "Then your eyes - they're too much in front, no doubt. One would have done as well as two, if you must have them so close -"
  Alice dit not like having so many personal remarks made on her, an as the Wasp had quite recovered his spirits, she thought she might safely leave him. "I think I must be going on now," she said. "Goodbye."
  "Goodbye, and thank-ye", said the Wasp, and Alice tripped down the hill again, quite pleased that she had gone back and given a few minutes to making the poor old creature comfortable.

Uundværligt uudslettet!

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